Monday, November 25, 2013


With fuel prices on the rise and clean energy more than a buzz-word, NRMPS recently received a propane powered school bus as part of a pilot program in the state of North Carolina.
“Being selected as a (pilot) site is evidence that our transportation department is operating effectively and efficiently,” said Dr. Eric Cunningham, Associate Superintendent of Facilities and Operations. “Learning about green energy and the benefits is definitely a plus as we continue to learn better ways to implement cost saving measures and share them with our colleagues in the state.”
Echoing Cunningham’s sentiment, Binford Sloan, Director of Transportation, stated, “To be chosen for this pilot program is tremendous because it puts our school district at the forefront in North Carolina for exploring alternative fuel sources,” said Sloan. “With funding resources declining propane is attractive in the respect the cost per gallon is about half of diesel.”
Not only is the lower fuel cost attractive, but other benefits include noise reduction inside the bus and lower environmental emissions. One visible benefit is the absence of the signature black diesel smoke that is typical from the current buses. 
“With less particulate matter being emitted into the air than conventional diesel engines, students and staff will breathe easier when around the propane bus,” said Sloan.
The purpose of the pilot program is to determine the viability of the propane buses and NRMPS has the honor of participating and helping determine if they provide a more efficient use of resources compared to diesel buses.