Monday, May 20, 2013


Students at M.B. Hubbard Elementary School are discovering new ways to take on science, technology, engineering and math through a new STEM lab housed at the school.  Students and staff recently came together to celebrate the unveiling of the STEM lab during a special exhibition for parents. Experiments conducted in the STEM lab included a weather demonstration and using math to construct a ramp for model race cars.  Shelia Wallace, principal at Hubbard Elementary, said that she was excited about the STEM lab, and the learning opportunities it creates for students of all ages.  “STEM is designed to provide an interdisciplinary learning approach for each child in grades K through 5,” said Wallace. “We want to spark their interest and we know that when they take this knowledge into the real world, there will be no challenge they cannot conquer.”

Teachers shared in her sentiments, stating that they recognize that the importance of shaping the next generation of future leaders, scientists, engineers, and inventors. Amy Berry, 4th grade science teacher said that through the STEM labs, students are gaining the skills they need to be successful, regardless of what they pursue later in life. "We don’t know what the future holds for them. But these types of activities are preparing them for jobs that don't exist yet,” Berry said. “A prime example is that iPad. When I was growing up we didn't have iPads, and we never would have imagined that they would be here.” 

For the students, the STEM lab provides a modern twist on science education. Fourth grader Paige Ward said she really enjoys the hands-on learning experiences.  “We have a lot of fun now trying the different experiments,” said Ward. “Sometimes doing experiences can be really boring, but in our room it's really fun, because we can use a lot of different objects.” Quentin Stample, another 4th grader, said he’s been sharing news about the STEM lab with other students at school. “The experiments are fun to do,” said Stample, “I've told the other kids they need to come to the STEM lab to see what it is all about, and how it will help them learn better.”