Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Students and parents from across the school district gathered at schools in August to learn just what they can expect when they receive iPads or MacBook Air laptops in September. The iConnect orientations were held across the district to prepare students and parents for the transition.
“We have been very pleased to see the number of parents and students attending the iConnect sessions,” said Dr. Anthony Jackson, Superintendent of Schools. “The excitement is building, and we want to ensure that our students and parents are ready for this new learning environment.”
Sessions were offered for every school participating in the iConnect digital learning initiative, which serves students in grades 4-12. Each session lasted about an hour and was designed to address any concerns students and parents had regarding digital learning, digital citizenship, device care, security, and instructional resources.

Tanisha Clanton, a mother of three with students at Edwards Middle, Williford Elementary, and Nash Central High expressed her enthusiasm for instructional technology. "[I’m] excited because my children can get their hands on technology and can access it at home to look up information for reports and other things," said Clanton.
NRMPS has been preparing for the iConnect digital learning initiative since 2011. Several schools participated as pilot schools during the spring semester of last school year to prepare the district for the full-scale implementation. Orientation sessions for this year included several ‘lessons learned’ from the pilot schools.
Jane Finch, Chief Technology Officer for NRMPS, said she was pleased with the level of participation and engagement of parents, many of whom asked detailed questions regarding the initiative. “We appreciate our parents for working with us,” said Finch. “This is a major shift in the teaching and learning process, and we will be counting on parents to be critical partners with us to make iConnect successful.”

As they attended the sessions, parents were given the opportunity to pay the usage fees for the devices, which stand at $40 for the year, per student, for the iPads, and $50 for the year, per student, for the MacBook Air laptops. A process is in place to assist families with financial hardships on a case-by-case basis. Payments can also be processed online through the NRMPS website, Cash, debit card, and credit card payments are accepted.
Students will receive their devices following the Labor Day holiday. School officials chose to start distribution after enrollment patterns had settled for the year. “Typically during the first few days of school, there’s a lot of movement and transition.” Finch said. “We want to be sure that students’ schedules are finalized before we begin the deployment.”
For now, students and parents can look forward to the possibilities that will come with the opportunities to learn in a digital environment. "I think it is a wonderful idea, and I feel good about it,” said Gale Chaffin, a mother of a Nash Central High student. “The kids need to be connected to technology. It will make it easier for homework assignments."