Friday, September 20, 2013


Classrooms all across the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools district buzzed with excitement, as students returned August 26.
Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson visited several schools on the first day, and said he was pleased overall with the first day of school, especially given the many new initiatives that impacted this year’s opening. "I must thank our parents and family members for the role they played in making our opening of school a successful one." Jackson said. "We have a number of new initiatives that we are in the process of implementing: PowerSchool, our new school security access control, and the reassignment of over 2000 students. Our families continue to be patient as we work through these processes and we appreciate their support." 
Jackson also expressed his appreciation for school staff members who went above and beyond to make sure students were able to jump right into learning. “While we experienced the normal 'first day' transitions, our administrators, educators and other staff took deliberate care to ensure that we were ready to start the year off with excellence.” Jackson said. “Our students arrived eager to start a great year, and our staff members welcomed them with enthusiasm and compassion. Our theme for the year is 'No Limits...Possibilities 2.0,' and the learning I saw as I visited classrooms throughout the first day was only a glimpse of great things to come." 
Some students and parents experienced bus delays during morning and afternoon routes, but all students arrived to and from their destinations safely. Over 10,000 students were transported on 153 buses, with a high percentage of the buses providing routes for more than one school.
Transportation director Binford Sloan said bus drivers and other staff at the schools took great care to ensure that all students were on the correct bus, and dropped off at the correct bus stop during the afternoon routes. “We had some bus delays, but the transportation team and school staff worked together to address them.” Sloan said. “It will take a few days for our bus routes to be complete, but they are being constantly monitored and changed as new students are enrolled or existing students are registering for bus service.”
Parents can go to, where they can access the school system’s online transportation portal.