Friday, September 20, 2013


Two Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools are among only 174 schools in the state that were recently named Title I Reward Schools by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Cedar Grove Elementary School and Nashville Elementary School were recognized on September 9 by the Nash-Rocky Mount Board of Education.
A Reward School is a Title I school that, based on the most recent data available, has been identified as being among the highest 10 percent of all Title I schools in one of two categories:

      • Highest-performing school: The school has the highest absolute performance over a number of years for all subgroups, including the all students group, on statewide assessments; or 
     • High-progress school: The school has made the most progress in improving the performance of the all students group over a number of years on the statewide assessments. 

Both Cedar Grove Elementary and Nashville Elementary were recognized with the designation of highest-performing schools. Cedar Grove Principal Brad Jones and teacher Brenda Tuten accepted the award on the school’s behalf. Nashville Elementary Principal Sharon Huneycutt and teacher Angela Joyner accepted the award on behalf of their school.
Assessment data from the 2011-12 school year and the two previous years was used to determine which Title I schools were among the top 10 percent. 
“It is truly rewarding to build upon Cedar Grove’s foundation of high student achievement and motivates the entire learning community to embrace our theme to ‘BELIEVE in The Grove!’ this year and beyond," said Jones.
“I feel proud to serve as principal for a staff that has worked so hard to ensure academic achievement for all students.” said Honeycutt. “As we move forward, we will continue to focus on driving instruction through rigorous and relevant classroom activities.”
All Reward Schools are invited to submit portfolios that identify the best practices that contributed to the school's success. Members of the Title I Distinguished Schools Advisory Council will review the portfolios and, along with on-site visits, determine one school for each category to represent North Carolina in the national Title I Distinguished Schools Program.