Students in grades 6-12 and their families had the opportunity to see all of the Career and Technical Education opportunities offered in the school district, and how those opportunities translate into programs offered by Nash Community College. In addition, families heard Dr. Jackson speak about the accomplishments, challenges and goals of the school system, and saw exemplars from each of district’s six strategic priorities as presented by Central Office staff.
Dr. Jackson’s full ‘State of Our Schools’ presentation and a video of the event is posted on the school district’s website for those who were unable to attend.
Following the presentation, school administrators, educators, students, parents, staff, community members, elected officials and business leaders were among those who participated in the annual CTE Showcase event, which draws roughly 1000 participants each year.
Nearly 100 tables and demonstrations representing Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools’ classes, Nash Community College programs of study gave attendees a preview of what they can expect in CTE class and program offerings. Representatives from several local businesses and industries were also on hand to share information with students and parents about their organizations and reinforce the importance of a skilled and educated workforce.
“We were very pleased with level of participation and the energy of parents and students,” said Lewis. “Parents were very interested and many asked questions regarding how our programs can meet student's needs.”
Culinary students and staff from Nash Central High School provided refreshments for special guests attending the event. Donna Cady, CTE Coordinator for Nash Central High School, said teachers go the extra mile to make the event successful.
The CTE program touches nearly 10,000 students in a total of eight program areas. NRMPS offers eight CTE Academies, in addition to a host of other CTE course offerings. The newest two academies, Industrial and Advanced Manufacturing and the Fire Training Academy started at the beginning of this school year. The Industrial and Advanced Manufacturing Academy represents a unique partnership between Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools, Nash Community College and the Cummins Rocky Mount Engine Plant, via the Career and College Promise Initiative. Students take courses through Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools and Nash Community College, and then have the opportunity to continue their education at East Carolina University. Scholarships and potential job prospects are additional benefits of the IAM Academy.