Monday, November 25, 2013


Information and appreciation, that is National Parent Involvement Day in NRMPS. From a college and CTE information session with high school parents at Rocky Mount High School to a special lunch with parents and students at Englewood Elementary, parents were the focus in the district November 21, 2013.

"Parents are the primary educators.  It is in the home where children start learning.  We can't do the work we do without parents," said Leondus Farrow, Principal of Rocky Mount High School.  Parents at RMHS were treated to a light buffet reception followed by informative talks from Tim Tucker and Bebe Wall of Nash Community College.
"We know the connection between parent involvement and student achievement.

Having them here for lunch just seemed like a natural fit for us," said Englewood Elementary School Principal, Crystal Whitley. Englewood Elementary tied their annual Thanksgiving lunch in with their parent's day festivities.  Parents had the option of buying lunch in the cafeteria, or bringing in a special lunch from home.  Whitley added, "We wanted to create a culture where they [parents] feel welcome and involved and know that they are a crucial part of their child's education."