From secretary to music teacher, receptionist to counselor, Dr. Anthony Jackson and members of the NRMPS senior staff took over various duties in schools as part of United Way Job For A Day. Schools that reached 100% participation during the district's United Way campaign in September were eligible for a drawing. The United Way campaign coordinator at each selected school had a senior staff member takeover their job duties for a day.

December 4th proved to be a busy day as Superintendent Dr. Anthony Jackson served as secretary at Winstead Avenue Elementary for the day and found himself answering the phones, greeting students and even pulling supplies for teachers. Meanwhile, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Mr. Thomas Crabtree got "schooled" by kindergartners at Hubbard Elementary as their teacher's assistant.

Mrs. Robin May, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, and Ms. Jane Finch, Chief Technology Officer, both became receptionists, the former at Swift Creek Elementary and the latter at Pope Elementary.

Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, Mr. Michael "Chip" Hodges, returned to the classroom, this time at Tar River Academy teaching Social Studies. On December 11th, Dr. Eric Cunningham, Associate Superintendent for Facilities and Operations, Mrs. Susan Blackwell, Chief Financial Officer, and Ms. Ashley Simmons, Chief Public Information Officer, all took their turns out in the schools. Dr. Cunningham as counselor at Rocky Mount Middle, Mrs. Blackwell as 1st grade teacher at Spring Hope Elementary and Ms. Simmons as music teacher at Middlesex Elementary. The experience gave some of the participants a greater appreciation for the jobs of others.
Thank you to all who gave to United Way.